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Statistics of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia, 2023

Malaysia’s FDI recorded a net inflow of RM40.4 billion in 2023

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia recorded a lower net inflow of RM40.4 billion in 2023 compared to RM75.4 billion in the previous year.

The foreign companies in Malaysia earned a total income of RM89.1 billion, a decrease from RM106.6 billion in 2022.

Cumulatively, the FDI position stood at RM926.0 billion as at the end of 2023 (2022: RM878.4 billion).

FDI flows in the form of equity and investment fund shares registered a net inflow of RM18.3 billion while the accumulated position was RM791.4 billion. The remaining portion of these flows was from debt instruments with a higher net inflow of RM22.1 billion and its position valued at RM134.6 billion.

In terms of sectors, Services contributed the highest FDI inflows at RM35.4 billion and position at RM468.2 billion, followed by Manufacturing. On the other hand, the Manufacturing sector generated the highest FDI income with a value of RM41.9 billion, followed by Services.

Geographically, the largest FDI flows in 2023 were mainly from Asia region, totaling RM54.3 billion, with Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan as the main sources. Meanwhile, foreign investors from the Americas gained the highest income at RM41.4 billion, notably the USA.

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